$58.07 ( $58.07 discount)
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Material: 100% cowhide

a reinterpretation of the classical western belt
Mastrotto, Italy, Natural Cowhide
Made with leather imported directly from Italy for all processing/manufacturing operations, showing a soft yet subtle gloss.
improve the completeness of the metal by polishing the metal as a whole
(Black) is applied with satin plating with a soft gloss and smooth texture.
(Brown) Using varnish plating to create a vintage texture.
Elmood logo point detail on belt tip.
7 belt holes for high utilization

The product photo is most similar to the actual color, and the color you see may vary slightly depending on the monitor resolution and device.
Please note that due to the nature of this product, there will be wrinkles that will not be erased according to the wearer after trying them on, so you cannot refund or exchange them.

Size Measurement
1(28~30) 2(30~32)
버클가로 5 5
버클세로 4.5 4.5
총길이 100 105

상품 상세 사이즈는 측정 방식 및 위치 등에 따라 1~2cm의 오차가 발생할 수 있습니다.